Public Adjusters Broward County Florida

Is your insurance inspector's estimate of damages lower than that of the contractor?

Are you tired of waiting to get your insurance claim check?

Do you think the insurance agency is not compensating under all the heads you are entitled to?

Do you want someone to follow up your insurance claim case to get it settled ASAP?

Are you looking for someone to prove the damages sustained by your property to the insurer?

If your answer is yes to any or all of the questions above, a Public Adjuster is your best friend right now.

But who even is a public adjuster?

What can they do for you?

What do they charge for what they do?

Can you trust them?

And most importantly, who is the best public adjuster in Broward County Florida?

Let's start answering all these questions.

Who is a public adjuster?

A public adjuster is an independent company who helps you get the claim money. Here's what they do:

  • They study your insurance policy to see what you are entitled to.
  • They prove the damages to the insurance agency on your behalf.
  • They follow up to make sure your insurance claim is processed and you get the compensation ASAP.

What can they do for you?

Public adjusters Broward County Florida can do two things for you:

  • By studying your insurance policy and proving the damages to the insurer, they can help you get as much as 7 times more compensation.
  • They can reduce the time taken to process an insurance claim to under three weeks.

Are Public Adjusters Costly?

Public adjusters don't usually charge any fee upfront. Their fee can be defined as:

  • They mostly charge a contingency fee that is under 20% of the compensation you get.
  • In most of the states they are prohibited from charging the homeowner any money before the claim has been settled.

Can Your Trust Public Adjusters?

When you have to file an insurance claim, you have two ways to prove the damage:

  • You can either entrust this to the person referred by the insurer.
  • Or you can go to a public adjuster to do the same for you.

Now, the person referred by the insurance provider is on their payroll so they might tend to prepare an estimate of the damages that is not in line with what the contractor will charge for the repairs.

The public adjusters' business model revolves around getting the highest compensation money to the clients.

Given these two facts, you can decide whom you can trust more.

The Best Public Adjusters Broward County Florida

There were 348,800 licensed public adjusters working in the US in 2019 which makes finding the best one difficult.

ACI Adjustments group has been the number 1 Public Adjuster for customer satisfaction for 8 years in a row. They have also been named one of the 500 fastest growing companies in the US.

That means if you want public adjusters Broward County Florida services, ACI is the public adjuster you want to hire.

ACI Adjustment Group Services

ACI Adjustment group provides assistance with insurance claim investigation in storm, fire, water damage, and all other common insurance claims. The services we provide include:
  • Insurance policy review to help you understand the terms and conditions of your insurance policy.
  • Evaluating damages that are covered under your insurance policy.
  • Proving the damages done to your property so that you get claim money according to the damage.
  • Following up with your insurance claim process to get it processed fast.

Contacting Us

If you want assistance in any property insurance related issue, you can contact us 24/7 via our toll free number 1-800-809-4302 or by filling in the contact form on our website or by sending us an email at